Pregnancy Support™

Balsam Poplar • Bog • Devil's Club • Diopside • Emerald Grove Sandwort • Ladies' Mantle • Northern Lady's Slipper

This formula was inspired by the work and research of Cynthia Abu-Asseff, a flower essence therapist and mother living in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Cynthia started using the Alaskan essences with mothers and babies at a center called Projeto Renascer in January of 1999. This center was started in 1991 by a service oriented spiritual group led by Cynthia's parents. In the years since it¹s formation, it has helped over 1000 pregnant women.

Here is how Cynthia describes her process of coming up with the formula from which our Pregnancy Support combination was developed. "Since the beginning of my work at Projeto Renascer I was looking forward to the day when I would be able to prepare a special combination formula for the pregnant women. I wrote these affirmations to help me find the most precise essences for them:

  • I celebrate my body changing, getting bigger and opening to bring to Earth a new soul. 

  • While I feed with love the baby in my womb, I am also nourishing, strengthening, and taking loving care of my own inner child. 

  • My baby and I have all the necessary protection and support to experience pregnancy and the moment of giving birth. 

  • I forgive and release all grief, anger, and resentment for all the abuse, violence, or any other pain that I have suffered, and open a new space of love, joy, creativity and light, in order to allow this new life to develop within me. 

  • I am love and so I am able to generate and give birth to a healthy baby." 

The Pregnancy Support formula can be used to:

  • Help a woman create and nurture a new sacred space in her life and body for the growth and development of her baby. 

  • Enable both the mother and the indwelling soul to clear any ambivalence they have about being present on the Earth. 

  • Help mothers strengthen their connection with the Earth so they can provide nurturing energy for themselves and their families. 

  • Help mothers who themselves suffered from a traumatic birth to heal this trauma so they can offer a stronger body/soul connection to their babies. 

  • Support the developing energetic triad between the mother, father, and baby. 

Special Instructions: 

  • Pregnancy Support can be used from the beginning of the pregnancy to the birth of the child. Apply topically by adding it to moisturizing creams or lotions that are used during the pregnancy, or take internally.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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* Wholesale prices are available to retailers. Please contact us at to discuss this.

Note: These essences are not intended to replace important and/or vital medical treatment. No warranties or guarantees, implied or otherwise, are made regarding the use of these essences, and users do so at their own discretion. All prices are listed in NZ$ and exclude GST.