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We are continually involved in the exciting process of developing new flower, gem, and environmental essences. These new essences are subjected to an ongoing process of research and review to determine which of them are ready to be released to the public as "research essences". The following lists denote those essences that have been released, but are still in the early stages of their research and development.

Green Tourmaline

A transparent stone that helps us see through the illusion of separation and experience oneness with life; lifts the veil between the human and natural world so that we can see ourselves reflected in all of life, and feel all forms of life within ourselves.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Green Tourmaline/Smoky Quartz

Expands the downward flow of energy between the fourth chakra and the earth; helps us release energies into the earth that are no longer necessary; facilitates the evolution of our creativity through the development of the heart and our relationships with others and the earth; helps us focus our creative energies as an effortless giving from the heart; promotes concentration and firm willingness in the creative act.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Helps one attract, gather, and anchor the energetic nourishment of light into the body, especially into areas of dense or stuck energy; helps replenish those who have become depleted from using up their own energy reserves; good for those who are experiencing a light deficiency (Seasonal Affectedness Disorder) and for those who spend long days indoors; for issues of magnetism and attractiveness; helps one learn how to be responsible and conscious about their attractiveness and the energy they project.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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This stone holds the energy of nonviolence, safety, and nurturing; builds up a resonance in the emotional body that attracts and holds the energy of harmlessness and peace; helps one relax and receive nurturing without struggle; helps women feel safe in the feminine; helps men and women allow their inner masculine to serve the inner feminine; for strengthening the sense of Sisterhood between all women, the feminine, and the Goddess.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Mangano Calcite

A gentle, soft, and very protective energy that helps one experience absolute safety in the heart; works with the inside dimension or structure of the heart chakra to create a safe, womb-like matrix for healing; helps one stay present with emotional pain, especially when it is felt as a dark or unidentifiable energy; gives strength and support to stay in a compassionate and loving space with painful situations; facilitates harmony in group experience; helps people move from fragmentation and separation to unity, and to also feel unity in separation.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Pink Quartz

A sweet and sublime heart energy that helps us heal whatever sits in the way of living in the moment with an open heart; helps those who are dealing with profound suffering and pain move through and beyond it so they can help others do the same.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Raspberry Rutile

Prepares the seventh chakra to accept information from higher sources; helps translate fourth dimensional energies to the third dimension; helps us ground energy back into the body after a shocking or traumatic experience; creates strength and protection for the heart; facilitates the flexible and fluid movement of energy between the 8th chakra and the heart; helps one come into alignment with angelic energies and attune to these without distraction.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Red Quartz

Grounding and energizing; protection and containment for the energy of the second chakra; helps one become more aware of the energy and information one is sending and receiving at this level.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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» View next 6 elixirs

* Wholesale prices are available to retailers. Please contact us at to discuss this.

Note: These essences are not intended to replace important and/or vital medical treatment. No warranties or guarantees, implied or otherwise, are made regarding the use of these essences, and users do so at their own discretion. All prices are listed in NZ$ and exclude GST.